Sunday, May 8, 2005


The uncertainty and fear a lone soldier must face,
When standing in the battlefield of his final resting place,
The silence of the wisest man, who contemplates steadfast,
All the regretful decisions of his future, present, and past,
The seething rage locked behind contemptuous eyes,
Shadowing the soul of a man who wish’d everyone dies,
The wonderment and awe harbored in the mind,
Of an astronaut in space, floating through time,
Where man meets the ocean on the shores of his feeling,
He will become quiet and aware that he himself is now kneeling.
For the many grains of sand that surround his feet,
Merely one is enough to contain all that is he.
It’s our Mother, the ocean that surpasses, with joy,
Any emotion man has felt, when she looks at her boy.