Monday, August 18, 2008

Caesar’s Tomato Garden

Walking up concrete stairs
to Latin class
to clown around
and laugh at things
we won't understand anymore
when we grow up
And now
we'll reminisce
about those things
those things
that faintly remind us
of the times
when burdens were few
and futures were
and didn't need to be
because at the time
it felt so good
to laugh so hard
We’ll smile now
in our cars
on the way to work
softly aching for a chance

to feel that way again

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Poem for the Angry

The pride that’s poisoned you
Turned your blood to
The drink that’s clouded
The soft flesh
In your skull
Churned tears
From salt to sulfur
An injustice so great
Absolutely, absolutely
An injustice too large
To quantify
When you sit on a past
Full of broken bones
And unseen scars
Gifted from a man
Who’s hands were
Never clean enough
Who’s son was
Never Godly enough
His soul marred by the filth
From the germs swarming
Between the slats
Of a hardwood floor
Here’s a poem for you
A poem for the angry
To nail on your cross
A poem you can point to
While trying to market
Your own martyrdom
To the people who don’t
Believe you
Or your crusade
Of persistent victimhood