Monday, April 10, 2006

room #5

I have not yet found
the sun in the afternoon sky
and yet so much of me
has joined the
other tenants at Forrest Lawn

Death never laughs
nor does He weep
when touching the lives of poets
of mouthwash-literature
brushing by the hollow shells
of broken minds


laid out in reasonable fashion
to brush with tooth brush
and comb with hair comb
in this planned existence
this subdivision of flesh

And while I tip-toe through
layers of insecurities
the atmosphere of smiles
remains inflated
growing big like puss-filled balloons

Saturday, April 1, 2006


No, I can’t make it,
but have fun anyways
I’d be there but my maturity’s delayed
you know how it is
with brick and mortar
it goes up fast and stays forever